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A Visit to the Helmet Dr.

Today was yet another trip to the "helmet Dr." for Paul. This time, not only was his head measured to see any growth but a scan was taken as well. Here are some pics.



This is the sock they put on his head before the scan.

His hair after the sock:


This is what the computer comes up with after the scan is taken:

And finally.. a picture of Paul on the star board the Dr. keeps in her office. I counted some 70 other pictures besides his:




The Bullygrrl's have been busy! Very busy. We have so many projects going at the same time we are a bit frazzled - we are moving forward though and quickly!

This weekend for the 4th of July we are going out to an MX track near Golden Acorn Casino. Simple as it sounds there is plenty to do to get us all out there with all our gear, bikes, and necessities.

Yesterday was a grand search for free firewood on There were a handful of people offering wood but were either unavailable to talk to, or the wood had already been picked up and taken away. :( It was a long hard search but by 5 p.m. we got what we were looking for.

This is the wagon the gentleman helping us allowed us to use to load up the wood.


My full truck with our new firewood. It will be a warm night!


The guy was very impressed that we had brought our own gloves. We are now known as

The Grrls with Gloves.
