It was a pretty mild Saturday. Started out great though. When I got to checking email I received a message that I had been featured in a blog. YAY! I love it. I hope to do some features as well in the near future.
Check out:
VA Beach Quilter Thank you SO much for thinking of me!
In the afternoon J took the dirt bike for a spin with friends and I caught up with a good friend. It had been so long since I had seen her she hardly recognized my child. He has grown a lot in 3 months.
Last night we had another first! As I was feeding Paul dinner I checked for budding teeth and WE HAVE ONE!! It was a happysadheisgrowingupfast type of feeling.
Before heading back to my house I stopped at Walmart to pick up more Infants Tylenol, Baby Orajel, and teething toys. I can tell when the poor guy is in pain and it breaks my heart.
While at Walmart I went down the cookie isle. Just to look. Seriously.
I came across the only thing thats even close to Circus Animal Cookies:

In my opinion, they are no bueno.
I have to tell you that my favorite cookies ever (that my mom never let me have and now that I am an adult buy whenever I want) are
Mothers Circus Animal Cookies. About a year ago they went out of business and stopped making said cookies. Luckily on my 24th birthday I had the pink rhino tattooed on my right shoulder. I was sure I had a piece of history on me. I kept trying to think of how to explain it to Paul when he's older.

Now I can tell him that its a cookie and then go and get some because, get this, THEY'RE BACK!!I am not sure when they will be released from the vaults, but I will be right there with a big glass of milk.