To that I say YES!PLEASE!
Ever since the days of 4 channels and rabbit ears (this is a few decades) I have loved watching motocross on t.v. On the weekends I got the choice of either political talk shows or some sort of outdoor racing event. I always chose the racing and I learned to love it all.
This past Saturday I went to my first live motocross event. Truthfully, I didn't care what it was - just that it was motocross, outdoors and it was said to be amazing was good enough for me. I had no idea I was about to watch the Super Bowl equivalent in motocros - The AMA Pro Motocross Championship.
Our morning started SUPER early with a call from a friend asking if we were/could be ready to go soon. This was at 6:10 am. I don't know about you, but I am not the fastest mover in the morning especially with 4 dogs and a baby. We hurried and an hour later we hit the road (with a few stops of course).
It always amazes me how close everything in San Diego is. It seemed like nothing getting to the Glen Helen Raceway.

We started to get an idea of what we were about to see when we caught a glimpse of a very tall hill that was part of the track the races were going to take place on.

We parked along the opening gates to the raceway, but not in the parking lot nearest the blue balloon. The blue balloon was where the ticket sales were that would accept plastic. This was the beginning of mine and J's motocross championship adventure. We separated from the group we were in and walked alongside the main parking lot, then through it, then back up it. This was the first major walk of the day.
We eventually got our pretty blue wristbands and started off. Originally the thought was to meet up with the people we had come with and had to separate from. Not knowing the raceway we wandered a little aimlessly without finding anyone.
While wandering however, we did manage to find the Speed TV anchors podium.

I took this picture right before we walked behind them. Of course, not to miss out on a moment, I turned and flashed my pearly whites at the camera. And No I did not make it on any of the anchors coverage. My friends backsides as they were walking past did however.

We walked through the entire raceway - not finding anyone for 45 min. Along the way we stopped at a few of the vendors booths. We purchased an FMF umbrella and these bad boys. This was our major deal of the day. These riding boots are normally $275+. They are the mens F3 Fox Boot and exactly what I wanted. J had promised to buy me riding boots for my birthday and we couldn't pass up the deal. I have smaller feet and it happened that the mens size 8 boots were on sale for $85.

This is Kourtney. The other bullygrrl. The picture was taken before the both of us were devoured by the sun. I am still recovering and it has been 6 days.
Here are a few pics to get an idea of what we we were watching.
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