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Dear @tonyhawk ...

As I have written in another post, my son Paul has an orthotic helmet he needs to wear for at least 5 months. As of right now it is a plain dark blue helmet w/ one lighter blue snake skin print strap on the side.

As a family we are very into extreme sports. We constantly are on the lookout for new daredevil motocross footage dvd's and have the Fuel network on (A LOT)!! We go to the desert plenty and hopefully sometime soon I will be able to start work on transitioning from quad riding to dirt bike riding. I haven't really done very much riding at all but the little I did was enough to get me hooked.

Paul's helmet is one of those things that as a parent you want to keep forever and ever. I figure it will be one of many helmets in his lifetime so why not start it out right and cover it with badass stickers. The problem is I have a few, but not many. I really dont even know where to begin looking.

So my thought was, why not throw it out to the people of twitter and @tonyhawk. If you have any stickers that could make my son's helmet that much more wicked looking I would be SO grateful.

If there is a chance that you or someone you know may have something to contribute let me know at @bullygrrl_art.

Of course I will consider special placement on the helmet and will take a load of pictures as the project progresses.

Here is my son in his plain helmet.


Thanks for reading and pass this post on to anyone who can help!!



Ranch 99

I have vivid memories of my mom and aunt dragging us children from store to store every time they got together. This happened every few months, so it was a semi-regular thing. Of all the places we went Chinatown was my fondest. Well maybe not the streets of Chinatown where my chubby cheeks were pinched for good luck and @twinkiechan's head was the perfect height for the bottom of ladies purses to hit. The stores were my favorite. Everything about them: the assortment of colorful foreign objects, food, spices and yes even the smell. (If you haven't been to one, the smell can only be described as fishyspicyherbysweetnsour.)

So, knowing I had an appointment with Paul's Orthotist, I left the house and hour or so early and to go shop at one of the largest Asian supermarkets I know of. Ranch 99.

Outside the towering opening to the building is this killer koi fountain.


Sort of like how the mall is setup, there are some sub stores within the supermarket. At this store there are two restaurants that made the entryway smell amazing.

It was interesting to see Paul's reaction to the new environment. It wasn't much but the live fish did make him little excited. I couldn't expect much, he is only 5 months old. Next year at this time it will be such a different experience.

As we went up and down the isles I took pics of the things that particularly caught my eye.

This pretty jar is full of ground fish... who would have thought?


This is the prettiest beef jerky packaging I have ever seen.


This was taken for @twinkiechan. I haven't had this in forever! What is the difference in the two?


I liked the look of this a lot, and would have bought it if I wasn't scarily allergic to squid!


How crazy is this? Sort of makes me sad. Not like I could free them or anything. I usually try not to make eye contact but I couldn't pass up the shot.


I love the color green. Even in the form of steamed layered tapioca cake.


Yes- these are alive too.


Everyone's favorite hot sauce!




After walking through the whole store all I purchased was 5 bars of my favorite soap and a blueberry banana boba tea drink. It was the perfect ending to my Ranch 99 trip.



Houston we have a...


The long wait for Paul's helmet is over. Now before I share pictures and you get lost in his cuteness, let me tell you what a trooper my son has been. No joke, there has been no crying or fussyness. He did give me a look like "What the hell are you letting this lady put on my head!" but that went away and he was fine. The process is very straight forward. 23 hours a day. 1 hour to wash baby and the inside of helmet and then time to let the two dry and air out. As of right now the pictures are of Paul's helmet as was received from the Dr. Of course I can't just let it sit around and not become a craft project. Joe and I have big plans. More to come on that as it happens :) Enjoy these pics of Paul's first experiences with his helmet.





Art's been added...

This week I added 2 more pieces to the Artfire store ----->

**Fly on the Wall**

**Yellow 03**


Cranial Remolding Orthosis

**This was a pretty mellow yet productive week. Many things to share and update on. I have yet to organize my time better so this is an update of the entire week. In the future I will be updating on a regular basis.**

The week started out on an awesome note. Tuesday was the follow up appt. for Paul's cranial remolding orthosis (helmet). The Dr. took another scan of his head to see what change had been made if any at all. The changes were positive in that the flat spot is not so anymore but his head is growing wide rather then long. He def. needs a helmet.

Thanks to Medi-cal, we were able to finalize the deal. Measurements and pics were taken and we go back next Thursday to pick it up.


This is the head sock they put on before they scan it. He is such a good sport. No fussyness or crying he was happy the whole time. At the end I got to pick out the color/design of the helmet. I had 20 or so designs to choose from but in the end I went with plain dark blue and blue snake skin print straps. Joe and I plan on decorating the helmet w/ motocross stickers. Its going to be wonderful!



Some quotes are spot on.

We all know "don't judge a book by it's cover" right? But what does it really mean. Someone twittered this yesterday and it brought me to tears. I have watched several times since then and it blows me away each time. I'm not going to lie. I completely expected a horribly botched performance- this is just amazing. May this woman go on to have a full and amazing life using her god given talents. Enjoy!!!

Susan Boyle sings on Britain's Got Talent!


UPDATE: These are qutoes (via Twitter from authoress Erika Lopez (@erikalopez) on Susan Boyle:

"once in a while these little jesuses come to earth and show us ourselves.we laugh but we laugh at ourselves in the end."

"when she sang,u could taste her revenge.she shared wth the ENTIRE class.we're all her no matter how well we dress or how tight our asses are"

"i'm NOT kidding.susan boyle NOT an anomaly.if u cry,cry 4all the other undiscovered,unloved,ignored precious example of art/life out there--"



4 Month Dr Visit.

So... I just came back from my son's 4 month checkup. We were 5 min early and still had to wait 30 min. Then after he was weighed and measured (18.5 lbs 27 in) we waited for another 30 min. The Dr came in and chit chatted about my sons progress. She asked me how much he ate and I told her and she seemed to think that he was eating way too much and there could be no way he'd eat as much as I said. My son is very healthy and in the 90th percentile for weight and length. She then told me about her children and how her daughter literally eats half of what my son does.If my son was 4 month old clothing eating as much as she does then I would be concerned, but he's not. He is 4 months old wearing 9-12 month clothing. You do the math.

Then he got his 2nd round of shots. He started crying when they Dr gave him the liquid he had to drink because he is congested a little and he was laying flat on his back. So I held his hands through the next 4 shots - 2 on either leg. He screamed so loud I think my ear drum rattled. He fell asleep on the way home and is still knocked out. Poor guy.

